Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Could we?

"Dude,how's the feelings of...falling in love with someone??", I heard two guys sitting beside me,having conversation in the library as I was reading "Natural Born Charmer" which written by Susan Elizabeth Philips.

"Falling in love with someone??'re question is though to answer even though it is without any explanation or calculation but the feelings are joyful,happiness and love?", the guy answered with a grimace on his face and continue his research on Chemistry.A few questions lurked inside my heart for some time. How did LOVE feel and mean? Quite simple but silly, somehow....
Suddenly,the girl..with dark,silk and long hair,sharp bladed nose,cute and little red lips and with a small and round head.She wore a pair of pink spectacles that always made me feeling that she was a shy and intrinsic kind of girl.She often came to library during the recess with a few of books - Additional Mathematics,Chemistry and Physics.
She sat the table which next to me,making me felt like even though it was just a distance-of-a-table.However,the 'distance' between me and her in my heart was very far liked you were in the-lost-of-Gurun-Thar.The way she walked into the library,passing through me. The scene that she left; a refreshment.It was like getting a drink of clean and cold water when you were desperately thirsty.An engaging and renewal of scene.A scene that had made me nervous that she was sitting the next of my table which I sat in the same library.
When she passed through me, I would be extremely serious to read my book.She was heading to the table,my uncontrollable mind would send an impulse to my eyes ;staring at her back just the way she were could let me happy for a day?Breathing the same air in the same library ; reading the knowledge that borrowed from the same library.
She put those books gently and pulled the chair silently and sat gingerly.I read my book without knew where was I reading.Adverting my eyes towards her direction.Could not let her knowing that I was peeking her.Thinking that I was a pervert that observing a girl in this way in my mind.She looked marvelous filled with a little of cuteness when she was solving her questions.Her head would slight at certain angle,showing the right part of her face.Hairs pulled back to her ears.In that moment,I felt the rested and she glittered my dark,cold and deep hear.My eyes could not leave an inch away from her.I was totally bewitching in this!
Suddenly,she looked back and I lost control.Could only feel the strength-less to hold my book.I dropped my book.I tried to glance back at her and she grinned towards my reaction-stupidity and silliness.I felt my blood was rushing to my head as we both exchanged a-second-of-glance.Could that be?
Bell rang and every student was ought to reach the class before teacher did.She was picking up her stationary and books.When I pulled back my chair and stood up,something was behind me and I knew I had knocked it.It was her.All of her exercise books and reference books were fell down.
"Are you okay? You got any hurt?",I asked politely and held her arm tenderly.
"Yup,I guess I'm okay."
We both looked at each other.Her eyes were dark brownish staring at my directly into my eyes.My heart pounded heavily that could burst out from my chest suddenly.Her stare sent a electric chill down to my spine.Another second,I let go her arm and kneed down to pick her books in an-orderly-arranged position quickly.Her face was shyly blushed appeared as I handed books to her.We both walked out from the library with some interesting conversation until we stepped in each class.Could we possibly I be the one of her,vice versa?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Sky blushed with purplish pink as the sun went down the horizon. Swarms of bird were flying in the sky. Office workers were released from the stress and mountain of works and rushing to their home. Vehicles were anywhere in the center of the town. Street lights and dwellers were switching on light. The whole city lighted up and gave the city a new scene. You and I were on the small hill which was nearby this city. You stood up and took a glance on this city.

The movement of you was so much elegant. Your hair and eyes glowed in the sunset as you were observing this scene. You were just too beautiful and too ethereal to be the part of this landscape. You were just like an angel fallen on this green and fresh lane. And, I was the luckiest to beside of you. Looking at you, happiness and excitement occurred on your face. I could see your smile with the background of the city. Your smile was dazzling and endearing. Your smile and grin were the sweetest cure for me to get rid from the sorrow and despair.

You sat back beside me on the grass and I stared at you. I stared at your eyes. A pair of almond-shaped tawny eyes. Your eyes were the most attractive part to me because I could see the joyful and elation in your eyes. I still remembered the first time you cried, tears and cried were flooded on your face. It was kind of ironic and romantic at the moment. As I looked pleadingly into your eyes, the whole world rested at the moment. I was reveled in the your world. People stated that , girl’s eyes were their loving world and it would be completed if she found her beloved.

I smelled your scent of hair as you lied on my chest and looked at the sky. In this obscuring night, our world had begun and it would be endless. Obscuring love within us were the happiest and saddest matter in this world. Elation and laughter because of our moment spent together and did something like couple ; tears and cried because of our childishness of arguing about some small matter. I summoned up my courage and looked into your eyes.It took my time to open my mouth.“Babe, I love you and I cant live without you, can we be together?”. Eagerness of the answer, “Yes , I do “.

We both in the high time and kissed each other. Her lips were tiny and cold. With the warmth and love I gave to her through my lips. The kisses , sending me a chill to my whole body. I thought of she would be happy and lovely. Love filled within us in this glorious night. Her face was blushed and looked cute when we caressed and I could see the joyful in her eyes. A transcend descriptive to suit all of you. She was the one who I found a long time ago. I love you so.