Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Strange of these days till weeks. Something which lost and lose very much. Desiring what I've want to but God just play a joke with me. Feeling life is pretty rotten. LOSE & LOST...
Empty heart fills with a colorful background which is trying to adorn the environment ; Standing in the crowded, should be attention in it but eyes are surveying periphery of it.
Thinking that you are around me....
Thinking about the things that we'd done...
That is so penetrating to...

Sky is full patches of dark clouds, it is going to have a heavy rain tonight...
You told me that, you like and you hate the rainy day..
You like it because it is nice weather to have a sleep...
You hate it because it is bad day to hang out..
You are cold and hiding in your solitary bed with a cover..
The message are enough heat to warm your body..
Pondering upon what you are doing..what you need..
But it isn't me anymore as a day came..

After that, your tears was brimming in your eye socket..
I felt that I was disorientated off by your sentences out from your mouth..
Memories were embedded in my mind that hard to be forgot...
Treating you nonchalantly because you need more space..Either it was true or not..
I will be impassibly as I see you..
Caresses that we did in a night and that only for the memories and it was meaningless now..
Shouldn't...Couldn't..Not anymore..
Running out of the wounds to heal it..
....Wish you happy and smile always....

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