Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Normal day with a grin

2009 July 29 , 2136

WOW...normal day , uh huh??? Quite..
hoho...Being in a trend of the "relationship" lolz..
Questions about our relationship..erm..Whatever...
Feeling..good if be friend ??...erm..maybe.. school..kinda..ok...because not much thing happened...
But..after school....had a kelas tambahan of science...
As a good student..I attended...
Went to 77 had a "tea time"..actually just drink something wait friends to finish their lunch...
1.40..Rushed to Physic Room...WOW..all people were listening to teacher..
Then apologize to teacher lur..
Looked for a place to have a seat..Siaw wei there..Full house...
Then looked to Yean ni and Poh sin there..2 people sat..Then took a seat..
Looked at her...Feeling she so beautiful today...WA.. ><
Took a look..then pay attention to class..Not long..Ho came le..
Don't know why..sometime..I can't control my look at............and grinned....Just like to grin to everyone..Maybe it seem like a stupid emotion ?? HOHO..but smile is good.. HEHE !!!
HOHO...2.15...after the last...survey her again..with my friends...So happy...I grinned myself..and back home without say goodbye(but is already accustomed)...
Thanks for reading this post...Grinned to myself again after post ._______.

Monday, July 27, 2009


2009 July 28 1320

Today..was a quite boring day..
Early in the morning...woke up at 710...then prepared...
The way to school...keep thinking about "can we together again??"
This question...was a good question I had asked myself this morning...
Because I have no solution at all...Fine..
School..Normal lo...Ponteng then sienz..
Maths class only get me interesting...Do maths lo...hoho...
then English class...SO SIENZ !!! == keep say say say..== annoying...homework homework and homework...
At English class...Ho sat beside me..and I said " today is Tuesday..tomorrow is Wednesday.."
He asked.."what time you tuition tomorrow ?"
"1.30 ~ 730 " , I said...Kinda pissed..My time is arranged like that...
I don't know what can I do if I couple...=..= Whole day busy ?? like Wednesday..Friday..and Sunday ?? Time is arranged for why I trying to rearrange??? If can't = can't...then..Fine lo...Busy life, give me a lot of benefits..if not these..Maybe I'm suffer in education...hope can get my ideal results for friends, too..

Friday, July 24, 2009


2009 July 24 , 2326..

O.O...July 23...My birthday hoho...and kar khiong too...O.O
Happy Birthday to him TOO !! ^^ WAHAHA
Is a wonderful birthday without cake...Nevermind..
Just hope people know my birthday ok le..^^
That night...we all do boring thing...Each people find "couple" then chat...
Kinda good feel..all chat...
Actually, Birthday no need a cake to celebrate...All HAPPY !!!! HEHE...
That night feeling want to drink beer...but...later get scolded.. >< not only parents la...HOHO...
Feeling so happy these days..because.."something" still keeping good >< SECRET anyway...HOHO...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

1 call...

2009 July 22 , 2001..

After a busy day for tuition...finally can take a rest...PHEW...
Today..quite school..just like..normal ??
After school ; I just came back from basketball (ponteng)
Saw her didn't at class...huh?? Never mind...
Looking every one packing their bag..
I packed myself...and helped her too...
Suddenly appeared in front of me..and continue to pack her things... that..don't know what I talking about le =.=...
Sometimes...public place...maybe too..many people??? so...Just..less talk to me ?? Think so..
Never mind...

2009 July 21 ....Tuesday...
That day...was a O.O day.. lolz...
I called her..and chat a lot...a lot...things...
Realized something...girls will a bit shy ?? Think so..but don't think so much...HOHO...
That call ; I have really realized something...Lolz...
Think was the end of this post... HOHO...lolz.. ^^

Monday, July 20, 2009


2009 July 20 1850..

Today was a "...." day...==
School was a good place to learn....Agree
School can meet more friends...Agree
but still feeling alone...
Looking at her..tell myself to give up...
I do..I do..
After school...
Someone suddenly bounding towards me and said.."you and her together liao ar??"
Once I listened this..FUCKING DAMN NO MOOD...DIU...Friday just taught her Maths..I still got any wrong?? Friends cant help each other??? ==...I don't care what fucking relationship..she ignore me or accept me..I just want her happy..If together again.. I don't I can give her happiness or not...Fine don't talk so far..Just want she happy...DONT ASK SO MANY QUESTIONS LE...I VERY SICK OF THESE == PLEASE...THX !!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Days with numb feel

2009 July 19 , 2000

Today was a normal day...nothing happened...just..tuition and tuition and tuition..
Being like to be busy..just do do do and do...nothing to worry so much...
2 days happened a lot of things but reluctant to say it all...
Start from 2009 July 17 Friday..
That day, was a quite good day...finally can get closer to her to teach her mathematics..
I don't know my action is right or wrong...
Think about few seconds, I think is a good action because I helps her in Mathematics..nothing wrong right?? Friend can teach each others same as I teach her Mathematics...Just trying to give up...Friends are really no pressure...Granted...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Lolz day...Quite happy..

2009 July 17 , 1715

Today, was a quite good day...
Early morning, walked to school..late liao.. T.T then don't care..
Saw her talking with her friends in barisan ( always see de la )...
Not longer..a boring ceramah == talked about Geografi..sienz...
Looking at the sky , Sun still hid behind the big mom; clouds, a warm weather morning,
After ceramah, make me so pissed (for few minutes only)...WHY ? NO PJK !!! == sienz...
After school , people went back home , whole class just left me and her...Promised her teach her mathematics every friday .... Today ; friday...waited her at school canteen and her friend too..
Quite happy or good feelings when taught her maths....
There's no doubt between our relationship or I think too much ??? Maybe...lolz..
Nevermind...Just let the nature take it's course...
1245~1445...Canteen became less people...just 17 people(s)...
Was the time I released her and her friend...The way they walked to eat..I didnt accompany..
Just reminded her to do and work hard...You must Improved !!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Just like normal

2009 July 16 , 1415...

After school, back to home..boring..when walking to home...She with her friend just when I want to stay near to her..nevermind..Is I think too much..Still thinking about we can together but can't..Just be friends...It is ok..
Back to home..looking of some books..feelings a bit kind of boring..then write blogs..log in a bit with yang..Hope today is the good day..
Today seem like a good weather..Shady and windy..
Maybe Sun is hiding behind the clouds..It makes a good view..Students back home without any complaint about weather...
Hope it is a nice day..Just hope..Hope doesn't be truth without any action...


2009 July 15 , 2120..

After tuition..feeling not good at all...She seem like fade away from me when after class... down stair still could see her with her friends...Fine...Friend's car arrived..Back home time..
On the way to home..Thinking about myself fault or what...Skip...Don't think so much..Then looking at the a wonderful color I have ever seen...So..I think how to write a nice essay to describe my feelings and the fantastic sky...
The shy sun is hiding below the horizon as the sky blushed to pink color..but swarm of birds were not appeared in this moment...Survey the roadside from my view(inside the car) could see many people were just back from their office ; students were just released from the "prison"...
In the car..despair and sorrow appeared in my heart as I thinking when I was form 2...Just memories..Can be truth...just let it go...
Slowly..the sky turned black ; I was back home..Bid a goodbye to my female friend...
Study and study...until 2120..I wrote this post...Is a inexplicable day...==

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


2009 July 14 , 2120...

Today, a quite good day...feeling good..but I realized something...
Every night I also very tired and don't know why...
Skip anyway...
At school..finally I did a thing that I never do before.."finally I did it" ( minded in heart )
Accompany her after school although her friends around her, I don't care...(feeling happy ><)...
At phone ; no SMS.. Fine..
Watched movie : X-Men 1 and X-Men 2...Took me 3 hours to watch it...
Dizzy after watched == Tired like hell...
Took nap but cant rest...Suddenly think about 1 THING !!! I will never let down your hope...
Go down stair and do "something"...Is the time le...1735..Smsed her (secret and feeling MORE happier) ><...Hope she do...
Not much secret discovered in my blogs >< hehe...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Happy must 100%...

2009 July 13 , 1940...

Happy must 100% Not 50%...
Today..Mood are 50 50 ==....
Donoe what the fuck is happening to me...Maybe think too much...
Today...Go cc lor...DOTA and CS...quite..ok la..
Then accompany yang to nova basketball...
Feed like hell...Don't know what to do ==...
65X near 7...walking back to home..
Looking Form1 Form 2 back home too...
After back home..feeling very bad...Totally bad...
I didn't think too much...didn't cause of her...
Just feeling == Maybe tired bah...AR...
But 1 thing I got to admit...
Single Life Ownage !!!!!
Is the time to give up...I WILL DO IT !!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Friend with you. DEAL?

2009 July 12 , 20.32
After calling her...feeling...ok only la...
I think...maybe you dislike an ordinary friend...feel be the right choice...?? do...I will still support you...just...
I did not feel anything...and all of you reading this post...don't curious le la...
Maybe pressure...I not care la...just...hope "you" always happy...then I ok le...
And you will still my best friend...after calling i didnt feel anything...just..heard what I want le..
You did not hate me anymore..That's I very glad...So...either couple or friends...Just want you to be happy ^^....My friends who read this post...Can just..seem me and her like friends??
I hope you all do....just dont want receive any earful news..Thank you...
And dont ask too much questions on real life...The questions and answers only will be discover in MY BLOG or through MSN la...Thank you for reading this post...Thx...And...I know what you all heart thinking...but the thinking in your heart is...YES...

Saturday, July 11, 2009



I received a message from her...
From that message..I very happy... study...although is hard right now...and tired....
I replied her...
From now...I will accompany you study...No matter how tired...No matter how tough the question...we must solve it as well as real life...
PMR coming soon...we study together...and go PMR...
I very glad...I very hear this..
very happy...^^

Anyway...+U to my friends also...^^


Feeling == so zZz
Thinking about passed...those memories...
Crazy...Sweet..Lovely...and so on....
WAH so Good at last time... but now...==

Don't know la..sometimes like an idiot leh... == feeling so stupid...
Feeling so stupid about my action... ==

Now need to recover it...Deeply apologize passed.....=.=...

Hope she know....

* End of it *

Friday, July 10, 2009

Thing you should do...

Thing you should do...
You mean me ???
Yes..Is you...
O...what you meaning the "thing i should do ?"
I meaning that is :
- you should accompany her when your friends around
- you should chat with her

Good...I got do those thing....BUT...I love her so much...very very much...
Isn't action is important ???

YES !!!

But..we loving each...our "world" is enough sweet what???
We chat..we do...
Real life...she want freedom(think so la)...then I just let her go...
- communicate with my friends or her friends ( not care)...because...i know...she is loving me...

WELL...NICE... I will give chances to you to be with her in real life...

O..I very appreciate that... ------Hope so( sighed ) Never mine if can't...every moment with her..every time i see her..I have enough...

Welcome...but i will help you...

Hope so..Hope so...Hope so...

Not a story tale....

Is the morning i woke up,
Time : 8: 34 a.m.

Boring at home, feeling emo..then...what to do?? go play basketball which near my house...
Bad news !!! Crowded...then...go jungle trekking...
Early morning...saw a lot of old folk..aunties uncles...walk walk walk...
For me...I just want to have a good deal of strolling...
Walk ar Walk ar Walk ar...
Walk to jungle already...wowo...long time no jungle trekking le...
Keep going...Keep going...Keep going...Saw an aunt...she looking at me...Don't know what thing she consider do to bother her..keep walk...
Walk to the highest of the jungle ?? or mountain... Can survey from school...the most highest place...
Rest at there although is very hot..Thinking about last time my friends and I came...About passed 1 year...nice memories...
When leaving..I SHOUT !!! AAOW....WOOT.... shout something X XXXX XXXX XX..>< HOHO...
Turn back and tired to climb up again...T.T...
Rest rest rest rest rest rest rest...
keep walk....
Almost lost in jungle ALONE!!?? Holyshit...
Fine..keep find find find the way... to to to to go out out from this motherfucker jungle....
Bad new : The way I keep *DEAD END* == + tired like hell... ==
Suddenly saw a few population of pendatang asing.. The following dialog is below here :
Pendatang asing : " Kamu nak makan?"
Me : "Tak nak la...haha...saya nak tahu mana boleh keluar dari sini??"
He show me the way get out of this irritating jungle...
When getting out of that jungle...I shout... "TERIMA KASIH" haha...
Funny right?? but...Nice Exprience...haha...
Back Home...Do "something" lur...Find her...HAHA

"To be Continue" hoho....


Hi...all...I...still a new here....
hope all give some idea or teach me how to use ba...
just a blog...ntg difficult right??
just...Hope...ALL OF YOU ALL HAPPY LA !! ^^