Thursday, December 24, 2009


2009 December 25 , Friday , 1013

First for all..Today is Merry Christmas..
I wish all of the people in the world Happy Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ~~ !!~!
Wish all of the human being have happy life ~~ no matter what kind of obstacles ~~!!!!
It was so..
Things that I did.. ==
I hate myself that I did it ==
Finally I knew what mean is "REGRET"..
This feelings is weird...
Yesterday ; 24th of December..
I hoped I could be happy after that..
By then..It just a normal things normal life that I lived ==...
Without any..
So.."==" "...." "=.="
Sick of these..So....
Don't how to express that word/feeling =================================
I didn't run.. ==
I just walked the other way that you couldn't see me..
I really waiting for 2010.. ==
2009.. was.. so.. == meaningless to me...
So much stupid ==..
Only few things that really..meant to me that time/moment..
Whatever I deal with..doesn't worth ?? ==
People said me that condition was "mutualism" =..=
Fine better don't argue with it..It just small matter..
Anyway..just kind lucky to have some friends which very...friendly but sometimes make me so "geli" (LOLZ! HAHA)
and..kinda good like helping each..
and 1 more like..very D!u de sometimes..but still very good friend ~~
and a kinda..emotionally changed friend..he's kinda nice ~ ^^ be ~~ ><
Friends are very good...(better than.."eh hm")
Anyway..Just very lucky to meet all of you ~~
End of post ~Thx for my happy ending ~ !!! WOSH ~[nice song]

Heavily Headache ==


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

"A"ce "s" ???

2009 December 24 , Thrusday , 1529

No F-bomb words ~..
Today..24th of December ; the day which WE the cute students (Form 3) gonna TAKE our RESULTS ~...(LOLZ!)
lolz..23th of December..I went to sy's house sleepover...
We did some stuff..Cards and watch movie..(LOLZ!)
Watch tio I slept =.=
Lolz..Brain and body over function ; tired.. ~ the important day to us ~ Form 3 in 2009 ~ Take results..
We woke up and changed our untidy mess cushion bla bla bla and clothes and had our breakfast..(Them only..) and I just drank a lot of WATER !! (WOSH ~~[water effect] )
So...We took our hurricane shoes and rushed to school..
On the vomit ( I thought she pregant [LOLZ!] ) <<< JOking nia ~
Ok..So soon..113X we reached our lovely school ( NO REALLY LOVELY =.=)
First glance through our damn less ppl =.=lolz..
I saw our lovely teacher ; Pn.Lee (She do lovely sometimes ><)
I quickly walked to my class's counter..Pn.Lee accompanied to take =.= (SO SHY AND SCARE )
She said.. =.= and you no need see de ~ Maths i not worry on you..sure get A (LOLZ!)
Ok la.. =.=
Not really care about the f****** results paper..
I just accidentally heard..something..that I really DAMN happy ?? (Don't know consider as a happy thing or not =.=)
Maybe you didnt get a good results so as you expect..but..your A ??
I'm glad to you..and Congratulations to you..I'm happy hear that..
Anyway..the next year..Form 4..Hope It'll BE A NICE YEAR..I hope i can get a much more better results..~~
Those who unhappy and sad..don't be so disappointed..It'll be ok for you at the next year..
Boost up !!!!!!
End of post

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Trip (3) The last day TT Cont (2)

We played table tennis ~~
ME and Khai Khee VS
Xiong hui and Swea yan
Khai Khee played all the game TT I just stood there..So funny @@...I blur blur @@@ ~~~
I got a MOVED !! >< (An auntie behind us O.O) So after we played table tennis ~~ We saw a "bird" ?? BIG BIRD (Actually a Hawk =.=) It was hunting a bird for breakfast ~ LOLZ
Then it's the time we gotta leave ~~
So bathed , changed clothes, packed our luggage and ready to move ~~
It was 12 pm noon..Me and be sat a back..Sleeping like a couple @@
Khai Khee captured us without notice @@ LOLZ ~~
Then 2 pm we had our lunch..
This was the 1 thing that I ever see @@
Nice actually ~
Then..We back to home..Ate sleep, woke up pee then sleep ~~ @@ =.= Whole way be and I keep sleeping and xh kk sy keep playing choi dai di..
(Pity sy still want ppl to teach @@) [Aduh]...
Then..Mj captured a picture ~~ kinda nice ~
@@~ O.O~~
About 5.30pm ~~ I back home safety ~ and said a bid goodbye to our 同志们~

Specially Thanks to : Meng Joe 's Parents (Giving us to have a trip with you guys ~)
: Meng Joe , Photographer , Babe (BE) [Thanks for inviting me to have this Amazing trip
: XH, SY and KK [ Go trip with you guys , damn happy ~~ ] ^^
-His mom was strict when I first glance ~ but after trip and in the trip..We had some communication..and became so friendly ba >< -His dad was cute and kind ~~ >< !!! CUTE CUTE JOE BA ~~ HEHEH~~~ REALLY REALLY THANKS TO THEM~~ ACCOMPANIED THIS BORING HOLIDAYS TURNED TO A DAMN COLORFUL AND AMAZING TRIP !!! WWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOT!...

Trip (3) The last day TT

2009 December 20 , 2231 , Sunday

Last day le...The morning..I woke up..So damn lazy @@...
We all played card in the morning..AND ATE ALL THE JUNK FOOD AND CUP NOODLES COMPLETELY @!!!! AREEELELL~ ~~
After that..We all went down by ourselves...
Went to.."Recreation room" Lolz..
There were a lot of things to play..
1st...We played..~~ EM.. ERR ~~~
Snooker ?? @@ something like that ..but smaller that that..
Here some pictures ~
All of us not actually how to play ~~ but..kinda nice ~~>< Khai Khee's turn to hit ball ~~ HAHA...
My turn ~~ (Aduh) TT
Xiong hui's turn ~~ Lolz..(Still so many balls on the table @@)

(Captured by MJ )
(Captured by MJ) DO you think she can make it ?? (Can't at the end O.O) LOLz...
After that..Our co-operation..won this game (=.= Swt ) [hardly to in a ball ]
Then we did this stuff LOLZ.. ( Captured by : MJ , Ball Arrangement: TC , Player : XH )
Then we hit all the ball in HAHA
After snooker..

Trip (2) Cont. (3)

...Continue ~~
After having our dinner..We back to room and took some strolling ~~
Here we did stupid stuff ~~
(It was comfortable to have a pee beside the pool ) [No need to flush] HAHA
By the way that were not any people except our friends ~~ AHAHAHAHA
This pee took me 5mins to finish ~~ WAHAHAHHA !!! SO RELAX AFTER THIS ~~ WOO~ ~~
After PEE ~~
I Gay with xiong hui WAHAHAHAH ~~~
Leng LUI O ~~haha
Then we do nothing...After laming..We back to our room..
Cards and chat and play and watch..
Something unwilling to say..~SKIP~
So like that our 2nd day...
We watched..opps not we..Mj and I decided to sleep ...So were they watching "Unborn"..
Kinda boring movie =..= During the starting..SIENZ DAO I fell asleep ~~ =.=
Slept Soundly ~~
About sleeping..The 1st day..I woke up 5 am..I heard something..
3 Reasons I woke up
1. Mj woke me up
2.HOT !!!
3.XH's SLEEPING SOUND =.= ~~ LOLZ !!!!
So like that..We finished our 2nd day's trip ~~ TT
Stay tune for nxt post

Trip (2) Cont. (2)

His dad ~~ ><>< ~~ Cute cute Uncle ~~ GHEHEZ My be ~~ HAHA..
We played Monkey in the pool...
Waterfall ~~ SO SHUANG ~~
After that..we were going to room le ~ @@
Then we played cards and ate ALL THE JUNK FOOD !! cup noodles ~~ HEHE ~~
See Some stuff ~~
Aduh..(To my BE : so ham sap >< ) Carry on ~~ Come WAHAHAHAHAHHAHA ~~~ I stealed sy's pants while she was taking her bath..HAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!! (SO ham sap ) >< Xiong hui ~~ HAHA ~~
Swea Yan..
BLur BLur Khai Khee ~~ LOLZ ~~ Nice effect too ><NICE ?? ~~ HEHE ~~Later got some pictures more nice ~~ ALL pictures were took by my be, MJ ~~ ><>< HAHA
Stay Tuned ~~

Trip (2) Cont.

...Continue ~~
After 1 hour and 30mins we waited and we played...then we changed our clothes to swimming trunks..
First..we too boring..and no idea what to do...I gave an idea;bury myself @@ (LOLZ)
Then ??
HEHE ~~..I gave the idea again ; TO BUILD A SAND CASTLE..(With hands TT)
We built the sand castle by our hands (LOLZ)..Without water??
No way..All of them busy on their hands.. and I helped to transfer water (TT) [Liked run few times of 100M] =.=
See I picked a shell ?? While I looking for the Plastic bags and I picked some shell to decorate HEHE ~~And Mj's mom captured >< ~~ Our hands and sweat built a "Turtle Sandcastle" HEHEZ ~~
Donoe what It is...but captured...since they are..weird bugs @@ and a lot of it at the beach chairs ~ @@ LOLZ..
There were relax ~ and nice ~~ Made me so comfortable to take some fresh air ~~ HEHEZ ~
Afterwards..we built our sandcastle and took some pictures..
Took a wash and jumped into the swimming pool again ~~ !! HEHE >< !!!!
Stay Tuned

Trip (2)

2009 December 20 , 2137 , Sunday

The 2nd day at Lumut..
Early in the morning , 5am =.= woke by be,MJ..Nvm..
It's 7am then all ppl woke up @@..Guess what ?? We all played cards at that time..
HEHEz..Then about 8..we changed clothes and went to buffet..(SO damn lot ppl ) @@
Early in the morning we saw a monkey ><LOL LOL ~~ Don't know which way it's looking at..Maybe finding a mate HEHEZ
Then..We grabbed a plate and picked what we wanted to eat ><>< I made this and I ate it WAHAHAHA ~~ !!!!
Xiong hui made this..He ate alot @@ lolz..
So soon..We had our breakfast~~Then we headed to beach ><

I caught up with them >< Nice view ~~~
What you guys see ?? @@
Then..we reached the beach...
Swea yan so excited till play sand..So do we...
Then we took of our slippers and ??
Build a small pyramid castle >< The sand was warm..>< and they very excited to play...
So we played sand..then we decided to wait for our eaten food to disgest..
Then..we headed to room to wait and played cards ~~ HEHE ~
Stay Tuned for next ~

Trip (1)

2009 December 20 , 2030 , Sunday

Now I gonna take you all to my trip ><><><>
By the way..we having our lunch..then..they were..em..took boat passed by... @@
After had our lovely lunch, we get back our way to there..
And we slept agn @@..Lolz..
GO PEE =.= Think about that toilet =.=..Si bei ding.. =.=

This is the place b4 going to toilet @@..(WISSSSSHH !!! Water Effect [Lolz!])
NICE ?? Come get see some things ~
This damn toilet =.= Beh tahan liao still need to charge me RM 0.30 !!! =.= That time didn't bring wallet =.= (Swea yan lent me ) [Pai Seh] haha..
Come and see what our Photographer ,Mr.Mj
This more nice..The sunlight >< ~~~ We going to reach our destination ~~~ ^^ HOHO Then now..We reached..took about 30mins =.= waliu ~~ Get some look on what Mj captured ~~^^ Garden + swimming pool @@
Christmas Tree (Fake lol~) nice view TOO >< We were damn excited that time ~ ><>< ~~ Nice feelings ~!!
That's all for the afternoon..
Evening and night..(No pictures TT)
Then..we had our dinner..Si bei long time @@
But worth to wait..about 30mins..we reached that restaurant..
Ate Oyster and all things la ~~(Forgot what we ate @@)
Then saw some girls..and back to room..
In our room..DAMN SONG!!
Played cards and chat..Then about 10pm..We watched "Final Destination 4"
Kinda boring to me since i watched=.=...
Then ?? I fell asleep..
Sleep with my babe , MJ ~~ WAHAHAHA...
1 am only slept =.= then..woke by mj.. =.= at 5am..MY GOSH..So damn tired...
That's for Trip (1)
Stay Tuned..