Saturday, December 5, 2009


2009 December 6 ,Sunday , 12.21pm

I love you..I miss you..
Writing this kind of things in blog, feeling uncomfortable ??
For me, I always do..but..will you hear it ?? Maybe yes , Maybe not
But at least..those words and feelings stay at your Inbox before..
These days , you busy and I don't blame anything on you but I felt I were lost..
Doing nothing throughout the day..==
Send a message..and you were'nt to reply..and I could only wait and wait..
Looking the time was flying..My mind was uncontrolable to think a lot of things..
My heart was keep pumping my blood unconstantly that I could feel..
It drove me crazy so soon..
Where's the moment that we needed the most ?? Maybe we didn't have it at all..
Can't stop my brain..I hope my brain can rest awhile..
Mom said I got mentally problems..especially my brain..
Keep thinking a lot of things wouldn't help me at all..
I don't know how to action anymore..I'm afraid sometimes..
Did you see me smile before?? Or just grin ??
3 days that I couldn't :)..
Maybe only YiHui can do that..==
Anyway..It will be alright as I thought..@@
Gotta go..See ya `
End of post

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