Sunday, December 20, 2009

Trip (3) The last day TT

2009 December 20 , 2231 , Sunday

Last day le...The morning..I woke up..So damn lazy @@...
We all played card in the morning..AND ATE ALL THE JUNK FOOD AND CUP NOODLES COMPLETELY @!!!! AREEELELL~ ~~
After that..We all went down by ourselves...
Went to.."Recreation room" Lolz..
There were a lot of things to play..
1st...We played..~~ EM.. ERR ~~~
Snooker ?? @@ something like that ..but smaller that that..
Here some pictures ~
All of us not actually how to play ~~ but..kinda nice ~~>< Khai Khee's turn to hit ball ~~ HAHA...
My turn ~~ (Aduh) TT
Xiong hui's turn ~~ Lolz..(Still so many balls on the table @@)

(Captured by MJ )
(Captured by MJ) DO you think she can make it ?? (Can't at the end O.O) LOLz...
After that..Our co-operation..won this game (=.= Swt ) [hardly to in a ball ]
Then we did this stuff LOLZ.. ( Captured by : MJ , Ball Arrangement: TC , Player : XH )
Then we hit all the ball in HAHA
After snooker..

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