Sunday, December 20, 2009

Trip (3) The last day TT Cont (2)

We played table tennis ~~
ME and Khai Khee VS
Xiong hui and Swea yan
Khai Khee played all the game TT I just stood there..So funny @@...I blur blur @@@ ~~~
I got a MOVED !! >< (An auntie behind us O.O) So after we played table tennis ~~ We saw a "bird" ?? BIG BIRD (Actually a Hawk =.=) It was hunting a bird for breakfast ~ LOLZ
Then it's the time we gotta leave ~~
So bathed , changed clothes, packed our luggage and ready to move ~~
It was 12 pm noon..Me and be sat a back..Sleeping like a couple @@
Khai Khee captured us without notice @@ LOLZ ~~
Then 2 pm we had our lunch..
This was the 1 thing that I ever see @@
Nice actually ~
Then..We back to home..Ate sleep, woke up pee then sleep ~~ @@ =.= Whole way be and I keep sleeping and xh kk sy keep playing choi dai di..
(Pity sy still want ppl to teach @@) [Aduh]...
Then..Mj captured a picture ~~ kinda nice ~
@@~ O.O~~
About 5.30pm ~~ I back home safety ~ and said a bid goodbye to our 同志们~

Specially Thanks to : Meng Joe 's Parents (Giving us to have a trip with you guys ~)
: Meng Joe , Photographer , Babe (BE) [Thanks for inviting me to have this Amazing trip
: XH, SY and KK [ Go trip with you guys , damn happy ~~ ] ^^
-His mom was strict when I first glance ~ but after trip and in the trip..We had some communication..and became so friendly ba >< -His dad was cute and kind ~~ >< !!! CUTE CUTE JOE BA ~~ HEHEH~~~ REALLY REALLY THANKS TO THEM~~ ACCOMPANIED THIS BORING HOLIDAYS TURNED TO A DAMN COLORFUL AND AMAZING TRIP !!! WWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOT!...

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