Wednesday, December 23, 2009

"A"ce "s" ???

2009 December 24 , Thrusday , 1529

No F-bomb words ~..
Today..24th of December ; the day which WE the cute students (Form 3) gonna TAKE our RESULTS ~...(LOLZ!)
lolz..23th of December..I went to sy's house sleepover...
We did some stuff..Cards and watch movie..(LOLZ!)
Watch tio I slept =.=
Lolz..Brain and body over function ; tired.. ~ the important day to us ~ Form 3 in 2009 ~ Take results..
We woke up and changed our untidy mess cushion bla bla bla and clothes and had our breakfast..(Them only..) and I just drank a lot of WATER !! (WOSH ~~[water effect] )
So...We took our hurricane shoes and rushed to school..
On the vomit ( I thought she pregant [LOLZ!] ) <<< JOking nia ~
Ok..So soon..113X we reached our lovely school ( NO REALLY LOVELY =.=)
First glance through our damn less ppl =.=lolz..
I saw our lovely teacher ; Pn.Lee (She do lovely sometimes ><)
I quickly walked to my class's counter..Pn.Lee accompanied to take =.= (SO SHY AND SCARE )
She said.. =.= and you no need see de ~ Maths i not worry on you..sure get A (LOLZ!)
Ok la.. =.=
Not really care about the f****** results paper..
I just accidentally heard..something..that I really DAMN happy ?? (Don't know consider as a happy thing or not =.=)
Maybe you didnt get a good results so as you expect..but..your A ??
I'm glad to you..and Congratulations to you..I'm happy hear that..
Anyway..the next year..Form 4..Hope It'll BE A NICE YEAR..I hope i can get a much more better results..~~
Those who unhappy and sad..don't be so disappointed..It'll be ok for you at the next year..
Boost up !!!!!!
End of post

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