After having our dinner..We back to room and took some strolling ~~
Here we did stupid stuff ~~

By the way that were not any people except our friends ~~ AHAHAHAHA

This pee took me 5mins to finish ~~ WAHAHAHHA !!! SO RELAX AFTER THIS ~~ WOO~ ~~
After PEE ~~

Then we do nothing...After laming..We back to our room..
Cards and chat and play and watch..
Something unwilling to say..~SKIP~
So like that our 2nd day...
We watched..opps not we..Mj and I decided to sleep ...So were they watching "Unborn"..
Kinda boring movie =..= During the starting..SIENZ DAO I fell asleep ~~ =.=
Slept Soundly ~~
About sleeping..The 1st day..I woke up 5 am..I heard something..
3 Reasons I woke up
1. Mj woke me up
2.HOT !!!
3.XH's SLEEPING SOUND =.= ~~ LOLZ !!!!
So like that..We finished our 2nd day's trip ~~ TT
Stay tune for nxt post
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